Teach | INSPIRE | Transform
Teacher Resource Center
The online Teacher Resource Center is designed for teachers who are incorporating CREATION Health into their classroom with the use of the Live Healthy. Be Happy. Guide for Students. Enrich students’ learning experience with the online Teacher’s Manual provided on the resource center website.
Teacher’s Manual resources include:
- Lesson Plans
- Worksheets
- Study Guides
- Skill Builders
- Labs
- Projects
- Tests
- Teacher Keys
To access the resources visit: CREATIONHealthHighSchools.com
1 Fill out the online registration form by using the access code: teach001
2 Once registration is complete, “login” with your username or email address
3 Click on the Teacher’s Manual tab at the top of the homepage to view the available resources
For more information, please call 407-303-7789 or email Wellness@CREATIONHealth.com