Accommodations for NWEA MAP

Assigning Accommodations

Note: To assign Text-to-Speech, see Text-to-Speech Accommodation.

Proctors can assign accommodations to students who need them in a testing session. Assigning an accommodation keeps a record of the services the student received, and, for the Text-to-Speech accommodation, it enables audio tools.

When assigning accommodations, consider your state and district policies and the overall NWEA guidelines. NWEA guidelines can be found here: NWEA Accessibility and Accommodations FAQ.


NWEA MAP Growth Testing Recommendations

Grades K-2

  • Reading, Math, Language Usage (Science is optional)
  • Early detection of literacy and numeracy issues.

Grades 3-8

  • Reading, Math, Language Usage & Science
  • The Goal is to be academically proficient in reading and math.
  • If a student is not proficient, then they are at risk academically.
  • If a student scores in the exceeds range (85-100 percentile) the goal is to keep them there, throughout their K-12 years. These are your students that need enrichment.

Grades 9-11

  • Academic goal is to get every student caught up to proficiency in reading and math by the time they graduate.
  • For  11th Grade, the focus is on SAT/ACT prep *

Grade 12

* Insufficient numbers of students in these grades and subjects tested to permit creation of a robust, representative sample. When we have reason to believe that a norm would not be representative of the U.S. school-age population and their performance or growth distribution, we chose not to report a norm, rather than report a norm that might be inaccurate or misleading.

11th grade:

  • Status norms (percentiles) are available for:
    • Math (K-12 General)
    • Reading
    • Language usage
  • Growth norms are available for:
    • Math (K-12 General)
    • Reading
    • Language usage
    • Neither status nor growth norms are available for science.