Of course, Data Rollup’s usefulness is determined to a large degree by the completeness of the information in its database and it is essential that all school data be integrated into Data Rollup. NAD provides an online data entry form within the Data Rollup app for schools who are not currently connected to Data Rollup. These schools manually enter all of the demographic information that is in the Opening and Closing reports. Hopefully, the conveniences of the connected database system will help encourage everyone to work together toward the shared solution.

Schools who are not using a Data Rollup compatible SIS will see the message as shown above. Clicking on the “Manually Enter Data” connects the user to the Bridge. Notice the list of available reports is much shorter than the list other schools have.
Schools who are rolling up data via an approved SIS will benefit from data being automatically populated in Accreditrac, the NAD online Accreditation platform.

The following programs automatically connect to the database for information entry:
- Jupiter
If you are using another vendor, we have the data mapping protocols to integrate your data into the system if the vendor is willing and able. This would be at the cost of the vendor or the school.
Information to become an approved vendor is located here.