- NAD ID Number
- Religious Affiliation
- Baptized Adventist
- Baptism date (only to determine if it was after school ended last year)
- One or more parent/guardian is Adventist
- Part time/full time student
- Grade level
- Residence
- Resides with:
- Proof of Birth
- Physician Name
- Physician Phone
- Immunization verified on date

Here is the Add/Edit screen for adding a student in Jupiter.
Auto-ID Numbering has been disabled for all Adventist schools, for students and staff. Schools must add IDs manually or via import from now on, otherwise it will remain blank!

The fields:
- Full Legal Name
- Preferred Name
- Gender
- Birthdate
- Grade level
- Race/Ethnicity
- Student Email
- Student Phone
- Language
- Parent/Contact
- Name
- Mobile Phone
- Home Phone
- Work Phone
- Language
- Access level
- Allow login & email
- Legal guardian
- Emergency contact
- Pickup ok
- Mailing Address
- Residence of Student
- Individuals with permission to pick up student
There are programs you can add to your student records – but not something you’d put specifically on an application.
- 504
- Gifted/talented
- Free Lunch
- Reduced Lunch
- At Risk
- Academic Probation
NOTE: You CAN rename the State ID# field to help clarify the number. Go to Setup | Custom Fields. Look in the bottom right corner in the Terminology section.