Note: All eAdventist information is updated at the conference level.
eAdventist is the database for all of our official SDA organizations. Information from this database is pushed out to the Data Rollup database and utilized in several reports.
A user account, “Org Maintenance—Education,” allows conference education offices to maintain school information. This information is, then, shared with various web sites and programs (Adventist SchoolConnect, Adventist Education Dashboard, Adventist SchoolPay, etc.)
Please be sure to enter the Employer Identification Number (EIN) in the school record. This is helpful when tax-exempt letters are requested from the GC Office of General Counsel. This is to be the school’s EIN – not the conference or church’s. No school EIN? Apply for an EIN here.
Schools must be marked as “Active” and “Public” in order to be seen in Dashboard User Manager and Data Rollup Reports.

The following information from eAdventist syncs every 24 hours (at night) with Data Rollup and is used in many different reports:
- school legal name and “local name”
- Please do not enter the “Legal name” unless it’s different than the main “Name”.
- school size
- school type
- school address
- principal/teaching principal
- phone number/fax number
- website address
- active status
- constituent church organizations
Here is a tutorial showing how to make updates.
Conference Education Team: Contact for your user account if you do not have one.
If you are not able to add the principal or teaching principal to the school record due to membership transfer, please contact for assistance. They will bring the individual in manually so that our Data Rollup records are correct.
Changes in status for new or closing schools should only be made between July 16 and the start of the school year for Opening/Closing Report accuracy.
School Size Definitions:
1 teacher—A school with one full-time teacher for grades 1–8, excluding volunteers or contract teachers. There is no principal.
2 teacher—A school with two full-time teachers for grades K–8, with grade combinations determined by enrollment, excluding volunteers or contract teachers.
3 teacher—A school with three full-time teachers for grades K–10, with grade combinations determined by enrollment, excluding volunteers or contract teachers.
4+ teachers—A school with four or more full-time teachers and a principal.
A “Small School” is a 1, 2, or 3 teacher school.

Adding Constituent Church Organizations