eAdventist is the database for all of our official Seventh-day Adventist organizations. Information from this database is pushed out to the Data Rollup database and utilized in several reports.
A user account, “Org Maintenance—Education,” allows conference education offices to maintain Early Childhood Program (ECP) information. This information is then shared with Adventist Education Dashboard.
The following information from eAdventist syncs every 24 hours (at night) with Data Rollup and is used in many different reports:
- ECP legal name and “local name”
- ECP size
- ECP type
- ECP address
- ECP Director
- phone number/fax number
- website address
- active status
Contact help@eAdventist.net when:
- you need a user account.
- you are not able to add the director to the school record due to membership transfer. They will bring the individual in manually so that our Data Rollup records are correct.
- you need changes in status for new or closing ECPs. (For Opening Report accuracy, these changes should only be made between July 16 and the start of the school year.)
- if preschools and centers are not classified as ECP.
See the tutorial here.