Getting Ready for the New School Year

Note: This is usually a School Registrar, School Data Manager or Head Teacher’s role.

  1. Verify school information at the top of your page. If there are any changes — make the changes in eAdventist.
  2. Manage “Last Year’s Students” by clicking the appropriate button to the right of the student’s name.
  3. This action gives you a “This Year’s Student” list. You have options to print your list as either a CSV file (opens with Excel) or a PDF file.
  4. Students who were moved out of your Current Student list (by clicking on No Longer Enrolled) are moved down to the No Longer Enrolled list.
  5. If you make a mistake by clicking on the wrong button — you can click the correct button to make things right. Keep in mind that the student may be at the bottom of the screen in the No Longer Enrolled list.
  6. Grade levels will show either last year’s level – or no level – until the first import from the SIS. The grade level is populated by class enrollment records in the SIS.