If you are unable to use RenWeb’s phone support or support chat service due to service hours being closed, please use the after-hours RenWeb support option. You can find this by logging into RenWeb University using your RenWeb login information (rwu.renweb.com). Not only is this a great feature in and of itself for help and training (use the search box), but you can also click on Support Chat on the right side of the page; there you can leave a message (select NAD-SDA as your category) for the NAD support team and they will e-mail you back with answers when they are back in the office.
This is a great tool for teachers who are only free in the evenings to work on Data Rollup/RenWeb issues – by leaving a message, they will reply to you with an e-mail rather than calling you during school hours.
To specifically access SDA-related help, try this direct RWU link: https://rwu.renweb.com/2_RenWeb_1/Knowledge_Base/SDA_Reporting_and_Dashboard_Errors.